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Traditional Aboriginal Games

Even though the Aborigines are a hard working people, they still give their children time to play. The toys that they make are sometimes miniature versions of the tools that their parents use, such as boomerangs, baskets, spears, or boats, while the children who live in the cities and reservations have model airplanes, torches, and telephones. String games are also very popular, along with swimming. String games are used to represent figures in their life, such as bags, food, or baskets. They might also represent animals, or people. These games are also used to tell stories. 

Task 1: (2 points)​

  • Research some traditional Aboriginal games using the buttons below 
  • Print out a copy of the worksheet provided by clicking the link below, fill in the answers and take it to your classroom teacher as your ticket to follow on to the next task! I want you to know WHY and WHEN aboriginal games were played and what significance they hold for Indigenous people















Task 2: (4 points)

  • Using the links below, you are required to pick a game of YOUR choice. You are to source the materials from the classroom or the outdoor environment and make the game chosen. It can be a 'variation' of the game if you cant find all of the correct materials. Your game must not be one which can harm another person or is dangerous. Please consult your teacher once you have chosen a game to ensure it is appropriate.

This task is to be done in groups of 2-4, depending on how many players you need for the game.
When you have finished, you will be showing your game to another group and teaching them how to play!! Now get gaming! 

Don't forget to calculate your points for these tasks, record them and continue on your journey...

You're doing great!! 

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