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For the Teachers! 

This Webquest has been created with focus on the NSW K-6 Syllabus.

Stage: 3

Subject: Culture

Outcomes and Indicators:


  • Describes different cultural influences and their contribution to Australian identities.


  • Demonstrates an understanding of different viewpoints about what is an Australian identity and gives their own impressions and point of view
  • Examines the various regional, State and national symbols and colours that are associated with Australia
  • Identifies examples of Australian culture, eg music, literature, art
  • Examines some of the cultures, ideas and traditions that have influenced Australian culture and identity, including migration, trade, religion and belief systems examines the contributions of Aboriginal people to Australian culture and identity
  • Identifies origins of place names and other words and expressions used in everyday language and experiences
  • Investigates examples of global language, eg computer terminology, Esperanto, braille
  • Outlines benefits of living in a culturally diverse society
  • Outlines attitudes and behaviours that contribute to social cohesion
  • Identifies some contemporary tensions that occur in a culturally diverse society
  • Examines significant current events that are affecting Australian identity, eg the republican movement, Internet developments, immigration
  • Demonstrates an understanding of nationally remembered days, eg Wattle Day, Remembrance Day, Survival Day, Arbor Day, Anzac Day, national sorry day



  • Examines how cultures change through interactions with other cultures and the environment.
  • Describes the cultural diversity that exists in Australia today, including the languages spoken
  • Identifies ways in which education, religion and culture influence the viewpoints people have about their own identity in Australia
  • Compares cultural change in Australia with cultural change in other nations
  • Identifies the impact that the environment can have on any culture
  • Identifies some of the influences of technology on cultural change, eg television, Internet, satellite, shortwave radio, fax
  • Examines how cultural diversity causes cultural change, including conflict situations
  • Recognises examples of stereotyping, sexism and racism
  • Explores cultural change in their country of origin or in a country of interest
  • Identifies significant sites, both past and present, and the influence these have had on Australian culture and identity, eg the Snowy Mountains Scheme, the Opera house, Ayers rock

HINT: When using this webquest, be sure to make reference to Blooms Taxonomy

(click the Blooms Taxonomy Example above to find out more).

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