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Comparing Traditional Aboriginal culture to the culture of the First Settlers

Task 1: (3 points)

  • Research the culture of both Traditional Aboriginal people and the First Settlers. Click on each of the buttons to start your research. 



  • Once you have done sufficient research, click on the button below and complete the table to compare the two cultures (You can print and fill in by hand or you can type it up on the computer)

Task 2: (6 points!!)

  • Using the information you have gained during this task, show what you have learned about Traditional Aboriginal culture compared to the culture of Aboriginal people today. Talk about WHAT has influenced it and IF/WHY it may have changed. You will be presenting your information to the class. You may choose HOW you present your information from the following options. (The pictures below will link you to different websites to help you with your presentation!)

a) Powerpoint Presentation

b) Prezi Presentation

c) Information Report

d) Mind Map (Electronically or on paper)

e) Video Recording (talking about what you know)

f) Whiteboard (IWB or normal) Presentation

Don't forget to calculate your points for the tasks you completed on this page, record them and continue on your journey...​
You're doing fab!!

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