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The word Aboriginal is an English word meaning the people living in a country from the earliest times.  Non-Aboriginal people who arrived in Australia over 200 years ago, used this word to describe the original people they found living in Australia. It is believed that the first Aborigines travelled to Australia from SE Asia in canoes at least 40,000 years ago occupying all of Australia, adapting incredibly to the harshness of the desert surviving as hunters and observers, developing unique beliefs about creation. 

Who are the Aborigines??

Your mission today is to complete the tasks throughout your cultural journey with me, so that you can share with your class mates some important parts of my Aboriginal culture.

Each task's worth different points, to be able to obtain your achievement certificate at the end you must total a minimum of 10 points! You do NOT need to do every task on each page!! 

Click on the button below to start your journey!

Before you commence your journey, click on the pictures below to find out some useful information!


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